บริษัทจัดหาคู่ You are clearly the expert on matchmaking, which is why I’m seeking out your expertise.


Thai Dating สรุปนะค่ะ ขอคนติดดินไม่ต้องชอบท่องเที่ยวต่างประเทศ ไม่ชอบคนสังคมเยอะ ขาดความเป็นผู้นำ ชอบเล่นกีฬา และเข้าวัด

Dear Bee,

You are clearly the expert on match making, which is why I’m seeking out your expertise.

Meanwhile, my wife (and I) are credible sources on long term interracial “Thai – Farang” relationships (12 year marriage, 17 year relationship) . . . so, if you ever have any questions . . . feel free to ask 🙂

You requested more specifics in order to establish a fee . . . I know for sure he wants

1. “an obvious angel” from a good family & innocent in all respects
2. non aggressive, bashful, camera shy
3. fluent English / college education strongly preferred / all girls’ school
4. 25 – 28 years’ old 🙂 although .. .. .. .. the younger, the better
5. never had a white boyfriend (preferred never had any boyfriend)

Physical Characteristics . . . .

Face Shape:

1. light freckles on her face
2. Stong full figured “lower jaw” (he loves this) . . . I know it’s seems weird – but it’s his big thing
3. no tattoos or body piercing (ever)
4. olive skin
5. full lips – he would love it if they turn down at the corners (pouting)
6. all natural beautiful eyebrows / lashes

You mentioned that you already have a few girls in mind . . . please elaborate & if possible send a few bios & pictures . . .along with your fees.

Thank you!


