หาคู่คนไทย, หาคู่ต่างชาติ อ้า ข่าวดีวันศุกร์อ่ะค่ะจากการ Dating ของลูกค้า : ) I wanted to ask you not to send me any new profiles for now. I would like to get to know K. xxx for some time before I meet anyone else


Thai Dating I am so lucky to meet a nice guy like him. We have a same thought. I told him that at first I would not meet him. Thank you so much

Dear K. Toy,

Thanks for sending the dating profile of K. xxx, however, I wanted to ask you not to send me any new profiles for now. I would like to get to know K. xxx for some time before I meet anyone else. I will let you know when to send me new profiles.

Thank you for your good service.


