หาคู่คนไทย, หาคู่ต่างชาติ I actually like her kup


Thai Dating เสาร์ อาทิตย์นี้ เราได้คู่รักใหม่มา 2 คู่นะค๊า : )

Hello Khun Bee Kup!

The date with K Xx went well I think…

At first she didn’t want to talk or even smile but I worked very hard and eventually she cracked a smile and then I got her to laugh. I hope she had a good time. She agreed to meet for lunch tomorrow. I actually like her kup 🙂

She is a very nice girl and she is SO beautiful! You know the pictures you showed me do not do her justice, she is much better in person. We made a bucket list for her. So we will have to see what happens kup! 🙂

Ciao, ciao!


