บริษัทจัดหาคู่ Miracle happened on the last date of my package!!, when I almost give up… you introduced me to this wonderful gentleman……………… I have to thanks you K. Bee, without you, we would never met. Without you I would not found him an


Thai Dating Miracle happened on the last date of my package!!, when I almost give up... you introduced me to this wonderful gentleman.................. I have to thanks you K. Bee, without you, we would never met. Without you I would not found him and p

Dear Khun Bee,

This email is to thank you for such a wonderful job you have done!

I used to think that its hard to find someone that I would feel attracted to, someone who match, someone I could be in a relationship and fall in love with…. and see what you have done! Lol

Miracle happened on the last date of my package!!, when I almost give up… you introduce me to this wonderful gentleman.

K. Bee, seriously we talked for hours and hours on our first date, time just passed by so quick. We both had such a wonderful time.

Of course we keep seeing each other, and its getting better and better every time. From the first day we met until today.. It has been the happiest 5 weeks I ever have. Xx is such a lovely, sweet, warm, caring and understanding person. Everything between us is going perfectly well. He is all I ever wanted… Sounds to good to be true right? Yes, that is how I actually feel … Its unbelievable!

I have to thanks you K. Bee, without you, we would never met. Without you I would not found him and probably never know how it feels like to be “In Love” with someone…

We are now in relationship, we both are super happy… Its just the beginning.. but it certainly is a wonderful start to something even more beautiful ….

Thanks so much K. Bee,

You are very welcome ka Nong Xx : ). Thank you also for your nice email ka : ).

I am even happier to see you and Khun Xx happy. He told me that he feel happiest in a long time
: ).

He’s one of my favorite clients of all time. So I hope you will take a very good care of him for me : ).

Feel free to update me anytime na kaa…. : )

