Bangkok Dating – Dating Coach Advises for Single Ladies: Smooth Techniques in Courting Thai and Foreign Men


วิธีจีบผู้ชายก่อนให้ติด วิธีจีบผู้ชายเนียนๆ แบบไม่เสียหน้า เลือกคู่เองได้ตรงใจ ใยต้องรอ เทคนิคจีบผู้ชาย, จีบเพื่อนผู้ชาย, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นน้อง, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นพี่, จีบผู้ชายที่คุยในแชท

Bangkok Dating – Dating Coach Advises for Single Ladies: Smooth Techniques in Courting Thai and Foreign Men Yield Results Without Losing Face!


Choose Your Partner with Confidence, No Need to Wait!


Techniques for Courting Men:

  1. Courting Male Friends
  2. Courting Younger Men
  3. Courting Older Men
  4. Courting Men You Chat Within Messages


Here we go again with the question: “Are there any techniques for courting men?” or “Is it disgusting if we, women, initiate the courtship?”


This is undoubtedly a hot topic, even in this era. Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s leading high end matchmaking company, frequently hears these questions.  As a dating coach, we believe that today’s women are confident, independent, and more open-minded than before. Moreover, the era of waiting and hoping for men to make the first move is over. Because when it comes to love, if we just sit around waiting for fate to happen without taking any action, it’s highly unlikely that love or relationships will blossom. As they say, if you like someone, tell them, or at least try to court them. At least there’s a 50% chance of success. But if you keep it to yourself, never express it, the chance of success is 0%.”


Research conducted by Webster University and the University of Chicago found that more than 84% of women nowadays initiate the courtship process. They feel that waiting for men to make the first move, as per traditional norms, seems to give men more power in choosing partners. Why should women wait for men to initiate the courtship? In this day and age, women have the right to choose! Furthermore, when women choose to initiate courtship, they often find men who match their preferences and specifications perfectly. It was discovered that 74% of women who initiate courtship are successful in their endeavors.


Therefore, Bangkok Matching aims to boost confidence in women that sometimes taking the initiative in courtship is not disgusting, as traditionally perceived. From the survey conducted by the website Shaadi, it was found that only 30% of women dare to take the initiative in courting men. Neeta V Shetty, a psychologist and life coach, supports reasons why women might hesitate to initiate courtship. It’s because of the traditional norms that make them feel scared, possibly embarrassed, or afraid of rejection when taking the initiative. Times have changed, and women like us must adapt to the changing world and norms to increase our chances of finding the perfect match. Otherwise, we might end up feeling lonely, watching others fall in love every year.


However, when initiating courtship, women must approach it with the same level of respect as men do. Different techniques must be employed for smoothness and maximum success. For instance, if you’re courting an older man but act superior to him, it might not be well-received. Behaviors like showing off or boasting often deter men. Being intelligent is fine, but showing off might make you less attractive and might lead men to see you merely as a friend. If that happens, being stuck in the friend zone is inevitable.


To ensure that initiating courtship flows smoothly and doesn’t appear pushy or off-putting, Bangkok Matching has some excellent techniques to share with everyone. These techniques aim to provide everyone with hopeful opportunities in courting men of all types. Let’s take a look at some smooth and respectful techniques for courting men without appearing desperate, needy, or losing face.


How to Court a Male Friend:


  • Approach with Friendship First: For those interested in courting a male friend, especially someone of the same age or someone you’ve grown up with, it’s considered relatively easy because of the shared age and common interests. Initiating a conversation is easier compared to courting across generations or age groups. There are plenty of topics to discuss, making it simpler to strike up a conversation. However, to delve deeper into courting a male friend successfully, consider the following:


  • Control the Conversation and Observe the Other Party: When courting a male friend, it’s crucial to control the conversation and observe the other person’s behavior. Pay attention to the signals they give off during conversations; these will indicate if they are receptive to your advances or not. However, this observation must be balanced with maintaining engaging conversations. If you only talk about trivial matters, don’t engage, or fail to send any signals, your efforts might not yield results. Conversations involving feelings should be approached with caution, such as asking about their current relationship status or expressing your own feelings subtly. If they respond positively or show signs of interest, you can be more confident in pursuing them further.


  • Initiate Affection and Make Him Feel Special: People often pick up on subtle signs of affection. If you’re sure that he’s open to your advances, you can start by making him feel special. However, it’s important not to overdo it. Show a bit more interest than usual, such as buying him a special treat and saying, “Thought of you when I saw this, so I got it for you,” or suggesting activities to do together. Send cute morning or goodnight texts, establish nicknames known only to the two of you, or engage in topics he’s interested in. These actions demonstrate that you care and want to spend time with him, hinting at your interest in a relationship. If he notices and reciprocates, proceed cautiously, ensuring that you reciprocate his interest in return.


  • Avoid Clinging or Appearing Overbearing in Front of Friends: If he knows you like him and he’s in the decision-making phase, give him space, even if you want to be close to him, see him, or talk to him all the time. Resist the urge to cling or act possessive in front of him or his friends before officially becoming a couple. Otherwise, he might think that you’re too attached or that you’re acting possessive before you’re even together. If you become a couple, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to spend time together, and acting clingy now may jeopardize your chances later.


วิธีจีบผู้ชายก่อนให้ติด วิธีจีบผู้ชายเนียนๆ แบบไม่เสียหน้า เลือกคู่เองได้ตรงใจ ใยต้องรอ เทคนิคจีบผู้ชาย, จีบเพื่อนผู้ชาย, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นน้อง, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นพี่, จีบผู้ชายที่คุยในแชท
วิธีจีบผู้ชายก่อนให้ติด วิธีจีบผู้ชายเนียนๆ แบบไม่เสียหน้า
เลือกคู่เองได้ตรงใจ ใยต้องรอ
เทคนิคจีบผู้ชาย, จีบเพื่อนผู้ชาย, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นน้อง, จีบผู้ชายรุ่นพี่,


How to Court a Younger Man:


  • Bring Out Your Inner Child: When it comes to courting a younger man, wanting to capture his heart isn’t difficult because younger guys tend to be cute and innocent. You need to tap into your own youthful energy and exuberance. Don’t suppress your inner child, but rather, think back to when you were their age. How were you back then? What were your thoughts? Try to bring back those feelings to create a more genuine atmosphere.


  • Offer Genuine Advice When Needed: This is a technique to make him fall for you easily. It involves changing roles, positioning yourself as someone he can rely on and seek advice from when he needs it. Know how to switch from being just a conversationalist to being an elder, someone who has been through a lot and can offer guidance. If you can do this, he’ll see you as someone worth being close to and appealing from various angles, undoubtedly.


  • Show Care and Make Him Feel Special: If he’s special, show him that you see him as such. Use techniques like taking care of him, buying him treats, or giving him gifts on special occasions. Or if you’ve been dating for a while (at least 3 months), asking about the progress of your relationship isn’t off-putting. Since you’re older and you initiated the courtship, making him feel special like this isn’t too much to ask for. If you’ve managed to make him feel this way, chances are he won’t run away from you.


How to Court an Older Man:


  • Show Respect and Charm Him with Innocence: When it comes to courting an older man, it’s crucial to show respect and charm him with your innocence. Older men typically appreciate being respected, so approaching them with a sweet tone, a gentle smile, and a humble attitude can make a favorable impression. Avoid being too casual or playful, as this might come across as immature and lacking in respect. Instead, aim for a demeanor that exudes sweetness and charm.


  • Engage in Conversations and Share Perspectives: Another technique to make an older man’s heart flutter is to engage him in meaningful conversations and share your perspectives on various topics. Show him that despite your younger age, you have your own thoughts and opinions and can hold your own in discussions. Be friendly, diplomatic, and avoid being confrontational. Express your views with confidence and maturity, and he’ll likely find your company stimulating and engaging.


  • Create Special Opportunities to Make Him Feel Special: Once you’ve gotten to know each other a bit, seize special occasions to make him feel extra special. Whether it’s his birthday, Valentine’s Day, or just a romantic day out, find ways to show him that you’re thinking of him. Consider giving him thoughtful gifts or planning memorable experiences that demonstrate your affection and appreciation for him. If he’s not already in a relationship, these gestures can significantly increase your chances of winning his heart.


How to Flirt with Men in Chat


For those conversing with men in chat, flirting with men in chat might seem not too difficult, but it’s not easy either. This is because chatting has its limitations; we can’t perceive the emotions and feelings of the person we’re conversing with, and typing is easier than speaking face-to-face. This sometimes leads to our chat messages not truly reflecting our authentic selves. So, how can you impress him? Let’s find out.


  • Initially, don’t type too much or excessively lengthy messages.


As a matchmaking company, Bangkok Matching understands that sometimes, when we chat with someone we like, we’re eager to present ourselves as much as possible, wanting to chat a lot to win their heart. However, hold back a bit. If you’re not too familiar yet and have just started chatting recently, it’s better not to rush into typing long paragraphs. If you’ve just gotten to know each other, and you start revealing too much about yourself, answering one word with 4-5 lines might give the impression that you’re overly eager to chat with him, and he might perceive you as too intense too soon. Revealing too much isn’t good. Also, men usually don’t like reading lengthy paragraphs. It’s best to adjust your typing to fit the question. Answer directly to the point, with a hint of humor and positivity, but don’t type excessively long paragraphs.


  • Men like women with a sense of humor, but in moderation.


It’s true that men like women with a sense of humor, but that doesn’t mean being relentlessly funny or constantly cracking jokes as if auditioning for a comedy show. Instead of winning a partner, you might end up with a friend. Some women have a humorous disposition, wanting to show that they’re easygoing and fun to chat with. If you become his partner, he’ll laugh all day. But sometimes, there needs to be a boundary. Don’t overplay the jokes until the other person can’t respond, feeling overwhelmed or pressured, or the conversation lacks substance. Occasionally, add a touch of humor to evoke a smile from each other. That’s enough to make you seem fun, but not overly playful.


  • Tease a little, but don’t overdo it.


Sometimes, chat messages can have errors. Sometimes, they might misspell words or write something that’s hard to understand. Instead of being serious and correcting them right away, try using humor. Turn the situation into something enjoyable. Tease a bit, but not excessively. It’ll make you seem charming and more enjoyable to chat with.


  • Use sweet sentences that express concern and care.


Everyone appreciates someone who cares. Don’t forget to type sentences that show concern and interest, expressing that you care about him. Whether it’s a good morning message, asking about his day, or offering a shoulder massage, even if it’s just letters on the screen, believe that if he accidentally smiles at those letters from us, when will the opportunity arise? It’s quite high.


And these are the not-so-secret tips and techniques on how to flirt with men, whether they’re of the same age, younger, older, or the men we’re chatting with, provided by Bangkok Matching, a reputable matchmaking company with excellent profiles. Each situation varies, so it’s essential to know how to present ourselves to win their hearts effectively.
