Bangkok Dating – Bangkok Ranks Top 5 registered Intercultural Marriages in Thailand! What Makes Foreigners More Appealing Partners to Thai Women in Thailand?


Bangkok Dating - What Makes Foreigners More Appealing Partners to Thai Women to date, in relationship and marry in Thailand?

Bangkok Dating – Bangkok ranks in the top 5 for the highest number of registered intercultural marriages in Thailand!


What Makes Foreigners More Appealing Partners to Thai Women in Thailand?


Are foreigners genuinely more inclined towards love and marriage compared to Thais?

Is the financial commitment greater for foreigners than for Thais?

Or is sincerity the predominant factor for both parties?


When it comes to the topic of intercultural dating, relationship, and marriage, it seems to be a common occurrence in Thailand over the past decade. This is attributed to both the cultural openness and the changing societal norms. With advancements in communication technology, cross-border relationships have become more prevalent. However, despite this trend, Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s leading and longest running high-end matchmaking company, believes that many are still unaware that intercultural dating and marriages in Thailand are not predominantly occurring in the northeastern region, as commonly perceived. Statistics from the Department of Provincial Administration reveal that Bangkok ranks highest in the registration of marriages between Thai women and foreign men, including Thai men marrying foreign women, over the past 3 years.


Bangkok stands out significantly from other provinces. With this in mind, Bangkok Matching, Bangkok’s Dating and Matchmaking Agency invites everyone to delve deeper into the Thailand’s intercultural marriage statistics to understand the magnitude and nature of these high registration rates.


Statistics reveal that Bangkok ranks in the Top 5 provinces with the highest number of registered marriages with foreigners in Thailand. This includes marriages between Thai men and foreign women, as well as Thai women and foreign men.


Bangkok topped the list in the year 2566 (Buddhist calendar), with a staggering 5,872 registered couples. Following Bangkok are Chiang Mai with 746 couples, Chonburi with 727 couples, and Chiang Rai with 391 couples. The Top 5 list concludes with the tourist destination of Phuket, registering 343 couples.


Looking back over the past 3 years, there has been a clear increase in the rate of marriages between Thai and foreign individuals. In 2564, there were 2,299 registered couples, including 167 Thai men marrying foreign women and 2,132 Thai women marrying foreign men. In 2565, this figure jumped to 4,819 couples, with 538 Thai men marrying foreign women and 4,281 Thai women marrying foreign men. The trend continued to rise significantly in 2566, with a total of 5,872 registered couples. Notably, there was an increase in Thai men marrying foreign women, rising from 100 couples to 1,029 couples in this year alone. Thai women marrying foreign men reached 4,843 couples, showing a continuous and clear increase.


These statistics from the Department of Provincial Administration dispel the common belief that intercultural dating, relationship and marriages predominantly occur in the northeastern region of Thailand. Today, intercultural dating and marriages are widely accepted and viewed positively by society, leading to a continuous increase in marriage rates and registrations. Bangkok, as the capital and central hub of Thailand, consistently leads in the registration of marriages between Thai and foreign individuals each year.


Bangkok Dating - What Makes Foreigners More Appealing Partners to Thai Women to date, in relationship and marry in Thailand?
Bangkok Dating – What Makes Foreigners More Appealing Partners to Thai Women to date, in relationship and marry in Thailand?


One notable observation made by the high-end matchmaking company Bangkok Matching is the significant difference in the number of registered marriages between Thai men and foreign women, compared to Thai women and foreign men.


The data clearly shows that there are substantially more Thai women registering marriages with foreign men than Thai men registering marriages with foreign women. When comparing the numbers, there were only 1,734 Thai men marrying foreign women over the past 3 years, whereas Thai women marrying foreign men reached a remarkable 11,256 couples. This indicates that Thai women marrying foreign men outnumber Thai men marrying foreign women by a factor of approximately 6.5.


At Bangkok Matching, foreign men seeking Thai women for serious dating, relationship and marriage typically possess high-profile backgrounds, excellent education, and affluent status, ranging from holders of master’s and doctoral degrees to business owners, doctors, engineers, and professionals from various fields. Many of these individuals, hailing from diverse corners of the globe, express a strong desire to date Thai women. However, there is a smaller number of foreign women seeking Thai men through the same service.


This analysis suggests that not only are Thai women open to and interested in marrying foreign spouses, but foreigners themselves also seek Thai wives with outstanding profiles. Consequently, the marriage rate between Thai women and foreign men continues to rise each year, with a trend indicating further increases.


Now, it’s essential to delve into why there is such a significant difference in the number of Thai men and women marrying foreigners. Is it due to reasons of preference, cultural values, or other factors influencing the decision-making process regarding marriage and registration with foreign partners?


4 Reasons Why Thais are Marrying Foreigners More


Through research on “Thai Women’s Marriage to Foreigners” we have uncovered intriguing insights into why Thais choose to marry foreigners. These insights address key questions that many readers may have. Are foreigners more sincere in love? Do they offer more romance or financial stability?


Bangkok Matching has identified 4 primary reasons behind the increasing trend of Thai women marrying foreigners. Below is a sample of what makes foreigners more appealing partners to Thai women in Thailand.


Changing Social Norms: Thai women, especially those with high profiles, are increasingly marrying foreigners based on their own preferences and tastes, rather than solely for the purpose of elevating their social status or that of their families. Previously, it was often assumed that Thai women married foreigners to escape poverty or improve their social standing. However, this belief is gradually fading as Thai women with education, social status, or financial independence are more open to dating and marrying foreigners. The stability and equality in foreign partners’ status and financial capabilities offer new opportunities and perspectives compared to marrying Thai men.


Past Relationship Experiences: Thai women may be drawn to foreigners due to negative experiences in past relationships with Thai men. Many cite foreigners’ perceived attentiveness and caring nature as significant factors. This perception stems from issues such as domestic violence, infidelity, and feeling undervalued by Thai partners, contributing to a significant portion of Thai women experiencing domestic abuse, with up to 62.5% citing such experiences. Consequently, foreign men are viewed as more caring, emotionally supportive, and financially reliable partners.


Age Limitations Are Less of a Concern: In Thai society, finding a partner becomes increasingly challenging with age, particularly for women. However, in Western societies, age is not a significant barrier to finding love. Additionally, having a previous marriage or children is not a major obstacle to remarriage for Westerners, contrasting with traditional Thai expectations. Therefore, Thai women are more open to relationships and marriages with older foreign men, regardless of their age or family background.


Broadened Perspectives: Thai women appreciate foreign partners’ broader perspectives on gender roles and domestic responsibilities. In Thai society, women are often expected to take on traditional roles as homemakers and caretakers, even if they are successful professionals. Foreign men, however, are more likely to share household duties and childcare responsibilities equally, viewing such contributions as essential rather than optional. This mindset aligns with the desires of modern Thai women for equality and fairness in relationships, making foreigners more appealing partners.


These reasons collectively reflect a shift in Thai women’s attitudes towards relationships and marriage, with an increasing number seeking compatibility and understanding over traditional gender roles.


The reasons why Thai men marry foreign women less than Thai women marrying foreign men vary.


For the reasons on the women’s side, they are already known. Now let’s delve into the attitudes of Thai men towards foreign women, particularly those from Western countries. This is because the statistics of marriage registrations show a clear trend of fewer Thai men marrying foreign women, even though they are from the same country. But why do Thai men prefer foreign women less than Thai women prefer foreign men? The reason lies in the preferences of Thai men in choosing partners, which favor Thai women more than foreign women, as follows:


แอพหาคู่ สถิติหาคู่ คู่รัก คนรัก จดทะเบียนสมรสต่างชาติ
แอพหาคู่ สถิติหาคู่ คู่รัก คนรัก จดทะเบียนสมรสต่างชาติ


What are the preferences of Thai men in choosing partners?


Thai men tend to have preferences that align with the image of Asian women more than foreign women. Bangkok Matching has compiled statistics on dating trends in the year 2023, shedding light on the specifications desired by single men:


External appearance: Thai men prefer women who conform to Thai beauty standards, including slim and proportionate figures, acceptable facial features, fair skin, and attractiveness. Additionally, they may express interest in women with fuller figures, specifically with well-endowed busts, waists, and hips, without necessarily using the term “full-figured.”


Height: Approximately 80% of Thai men prefer women who are around 160 cm tall.


Personality/Attitude: Thai men prefer women who can work outside the home and take care of household chores effectively. They appreciate women who are not inclined towards heavy drinking or excessive partying and who communicate well.


Age: Most Thai men desire partners who are younger than themselves by approximately 5-7 years. They tend to avoid women who are significantly older than them by more than 5 years.


These statistics provide interesting insights into the dating preferences of Thai men. Bangkok Matching’s data serves to dispel doubts and highlight important points, showing that the trend of dating and marriage with foreigners is increasing every day in Thailand. It is evident that this trend holds significant meaning in terms of evolving interests in dating, marriage, changing preferences, and dispelling old beliefs. It is noteworthy that the interest in marrying foreigners is not limited to women from the northeastern region of Thailand anymore. As long as attitudes align and lifestyles are compatible, people from all regions are ready to date and marry foreigners, similar to dating among Thai individuals.

