Thai Dating I am seeking a beautiful Thai woman with a kind , loving soul and I believe that she is out there . I am willing to pay more money to find her rather than attend social events . I do not drink and go to bars . I am a busy guy and prefer to spe


Thai Dating Sure, I would like to meet him again as well.

Hi Bee,

I own my own xx company in xxx and am now starting to produce just outside of Bangkok .I also invested in a real estate brokerage in xx so I will be spending more time in both places .

I do not want a woman who wants money but simply seeks a better life with a great guy.

I have a serious personality flaw however . I place a great emphasis on a woman’s physical beauty and I am very picky .If I don’t feel the attraction , I find it difficult to move forward .not good but I am being honest .

I am seeking a beautiful Thai woman with a kind , loving soul and I believe that she is out there . I am willing to pay more money to find her rather than attend social events . I do not drink and go to bars . I am a busy guy and prefer to spend my time more wisely.

I am not sure if you are able to help me in my search but I would love to hear from you

Thank you
