Thai Dating Thanks Nong Ying very much. You really understand exactly type of girl i look for.


Thai Dating สรุปนะค่ะ ขอคนติดดินไม่ต้องชอบท่องเที่ยวต่างประเทศ ไม่ชอบคนสังคมเยอะ ขาดความเป็นผู้นำ ชอบเล่นกีฬา และเข้าวัด

N. Ying krup …

i really like Nong xx at the very first sight. And after i’ve read her profile, it even convinced me more that i would love to meet up with her.

Pls. kindly thank her on my behalf for considered my profile accepted to see me. She has made me so proud and i am truly appreciated. Thanks Nong Ying very much. You really understand exactly type of girl i look for.

YES for Nong xx, confirmed to meet her krub.

Sent from my BlackBerry
