Professional International Thai Cupid Shares Top 3 Provinces with the Highest Marriage and Divorce Rates in Thailand Over the Past 5 Years.


อยากมีแฟน ต้องรู้ สถิติคนกรุงเทพ แต่ง หย่า สูงสุดในไทย

Professional International Thai Cupid Shares Top 3 Provinces with the Highest Marriage and Divorce Rates in Thailand Over the Past 5 Years.  

Bangkok Stands Out with The Highest Registered Marriages and Divorces in the Country


Continuing our statistics disclosure series related to dating and relationship with Professional Thai Cupid, Bangkok Matching, Thailand’s longest running and leading high-end exclusive matchmaking agency, which will delve into the topic of ‘Love and Breakups’ among the Thai residents of the capital. Based on intriguing statistics from the Department of Provincial Administration, revealing the annual registered marriage figures for the year 2023 B.E., it is evident that Bangkok claims the championship in both the highest number of registered marriages and divorce rates in the country. This trend seems to persist annually, causing significant concern. Despite a seemingly optimistic outlook on marriage registration rates in Bangkok, when one turns attention to the divorce statistics, which are also consistently high compared to other provinces, it raises questions.


Why is Bangkok the province with the highest marriage statistics and simultaneously maintains the highest divorce rates in Thailand every year? The underlying reasons behind these statistical figures will be explored today by Bangkok Matching – International Professional Thai Cupid , shedding light on the related issues and the causes that contribute to these numbers. Additionally, we will collectively examine our own thoughts and attitudes, exploring whether the changing values and perspectives make it easier for individuals to decide on divorce. Bangkok Matching, a premier matchmaking company, has definite answers to share on this matter with you today.


Statistics reveal that in the year 2023 B.E., Bangkok maintains its top position with the highest marriage registration rate, standing at 39,150 couples. This noteworthy figure, as reported by Bangkok Matching, a high-end matchmaking agency, reflects positively on the city’s romantic climate. Following Bangkok, Chonburi ranks second with 14,593 registered marriages, and Nakhon Ratchasima holds the third position with 10,568 couples.


Predicting the preferred registration areas in Bangkok is not challenging, as certain districts, particularly the auspiciously named Bang Rak district, tend to be popular choices. During the Valentine’s Day period of the year 2023, a remarkable 640 couples chose to register their marriages in this district alone.


It’s important to note that Bangkok is not a newcomer to being the champion in marriage registrations; it has consistently held this title for quite some time. Reflecting on the past five years, Bangkok Matching provides a historical perspective with registration figures from the Department of Provincial Administration:


  • In the year 2022 B.E., Bangkok recorded 47,017 marriages.
  • In the year 2023 B.E., the figure decreased to 35,969 marriages.
  • In the year 2024 B.E., registrations further dropped to 23,595 marriages.
  • In the year 2025 B.E., there was a rebound with 39,775 marriages.
  • Finally, in the year 2026 B.E., Bangkok recorded 39,150 marriages.


Over the past five years, a total of 185,506 couples in Bangkok have registered their marriages, making it an intriguing statistic worth remembering. Bangkok Matching, Exclusive and VIP Dating Thai Agency, promises to reveal the complementary statistics that will shed light on the “clearance” of these numbers, presenting a comprehensive picture of the marriage landscape.


อยากมีแฟน ต้องรู้ สถิติคนกรุงเทพ แต่ง หย่า สูงสุดในไทย
อยากมีแฟน ต้องรู้ สถิติคนกรุงเทพ แต่ง หย่า สูงสุดในไทย


Love Struggles! More Statistics: Bangkok Records Over 17,000 Divorces in 2023 B.E.


What’s surprising is the divorce statistics for the year 2023 B.E., as compiled by Bangkok Matching. The data reveals that within just one year, in 2023 B.E., Bangkok claims the championship yet again for having the highest divorce rate, with a staggering 17,410 couples. Following closely, Chonburi ranks second with 8,060 registered divorces, and Nakhon Ratchasima secures the third position with 5,880 divorces.


Upon closer examination, it appears that the top three provinces with the highest marriage registration rates, namely Bangkok, Chonburi, and Nakhon Ratchasima, are the same provinces that also have the highest divorce rates. This correlation suggests that the more marriages there are, the higher the likelihood of divorces. Examining the divorce statistics for Bangkok over the past five years, the numbers stand as follows:


  • In the year 2022 B.E., there were 17,266 divorces.
  • In the year 2023 B.E., the figure decreased to 15,567 divorces.
  • In the year 2024 B.E., there were 10,258 divorces.
  • In the year 2025 B.E., the number rose to 17,635 divorces.
  • In the year 2026 B.E., Bangkok recorded 17,410 divorces.


These statistics reveal that the divorce rate in Bangkok alone reached a substantial 78,136 couples over the past five years, accounting for 42% of the marriage registration rate or nearly half of the couples who registered their marriages.


From a straightforward perspective, these numbers are relatively high, and it’s an intriguing point of observation for Bangkok Matching. This brings us to the main question: “Why has the divorce rate in Thailand risen so significantly?” Today, Bangkok Matching will delve into perspectives, attitudes, and reasons to uncover the answer to why divorce rates have surged in Thailand.


Four Common Causes of Divorce in Thailand


When two people who are deeply in love decide to get married and register their marriage, it is unlikely for issues leading to divorce to arise, isn’t it? Therefore, for a divorce to occur, there must be underlying factors that bring an end to the relationship through the process of divorce. Extensive research conducted by Bangkok Matching has identified four prominent reasons, as indicated by statistics from the Thai Rath News Agency:


1  Conflict and Domestic Violence

The primary factor contributing to divorce is conflict and extensive disputes between spouses. According to statistics on domestic violence across 76 provinces and Bangkok in the year 2021, compiled by the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development, there were 2,347 reported cases of domestic violence. Bangkok topped the list with 142 cases, with 82% of incidents reported occurring within the victims’ own homes. Additionally, the majority of victims were women, accounting for 82.78%.


2  Infidelity and Lack of Faithfulness

This cause is not surprising, considering that Thailand ranks fourth globally with the highest infidelity rate, reaching 61%. The high prevalence of infidelity contributes to an increased divorce rate in Thailand. According to World Population Reviews, infidelity often stems from a lack of interest in committed relationships, a desire to experience one-night stands, and the influence of dating apps and online platforms that encourage extramarital affairs.


3  Lack of Responsibility

Building a family requires joint efforts, and if one party neglects their responsibilities, it can lead to feelings of abandonment. This neglect can manifest in various aspects, such as work, finances, and lifestyle choices. When goals and attitudes toward life are not aligned, it can weaken the relationship, eventually leading to separation.


4  Substance Abuse Issues

Substance abuse, particularly drugs, stands out as the primary factor contributing to domestic violence. Statistics from the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development for the year 2021 reveal that substances triggering domestic violence include drugs (19.5%), alcohol (11.8%), inhalants (10.08%), a combination of alcohol and benzodiazepines (9.9%), benzodiazepines (8.6%), and a feeling of excessive power (8.1%).


The issue of substance abuse not only poses a societal problem but also becomes a significant factor in causing divorce. It contributes to both social problems and the breakdown of family relationships, making it a multifaceted challenge.


Is Divorce an Escape or a Solution?


It’s not uncommon to hear phrases like ‘divorce is an escape for those avoiding problems’ or ‘divorce is easier these days because there are more options available.’ In the past, such statements might have held significant influence, prompting individuals contemplating divorce to reconsider whether they were genuinely seeking an escape from their problems or if there were alternative ways to address family issues.


However, in contemporary times, divorce is akin to making a decision to conclude a game where one realizes that playing further at the same level would lead to repetitive cycles without any meaningful change. It becomes a process that may consume time, cause emotional distress, and diminish self-worth. An interview with a columnist from The Momentum sheds light on the perspective that ‘divorce is not an escape but a form of self-awareness.’ The columnist asserts, ‘Divorce is not about escaping problems; it is about self-awareness, recognizing the issues at hand without the fear that characterized earlier generations—fear of judgment, fear of the child facing problems, fear of societal status loss—and having the courage to step out.


This signifies a shift in values and attitudes over different eras, as discussed by media outlets. The legal aspect of divorce also supports the notion that divorce is an option rather than an escape. Research on ‘Causes of Divorce Due to Family Breakdown: A Comparative Study of Foreign Laws’ concludes that one reason for Thailand’s high divorce rate is the ease with which divorces can be obtained. If both spouses mutually agree, they can proceed with divorce promptly. If one party disagrees, they can file for divorce, making the process relatively uncomplicated. This stands in contrast to other countries where divorce procedures may involve more stringent conditions. For instance, in Australia, couples must have been married for a minimum of two years before filing for divorce unless they obtain a court order allowing them to do so earlier.


Note: Legal information may vary, and the provided information is based on the context given. For accurate legal advice, consult a legal professional.


New generation couples, if they feel it’s not working, won’t tolerate and waste time


Therefore, based on survey results and statistics, analyzed and presented by the Thailand’s matchmaker, Bangkok Matching, it is evident that conflicts and divorces are at their peak among residents of Bangkok. While marriage registration rates are high, divorce rates are nearly 50% of the marriage registration rates. This is a stark reality, illustrating that ‘half make it while the other half do not,’ emphasizing a significant contrast from the past. The contemporary mindset perceives divorce not merely as an escape from problems but as an alternative to avoid unnecessary endurance and time-wasting.


Perspectives of Thailand’s Matchmakers on Divorce


When inquired about their views on divorce, international Thai cupid matchmakers believe that the key to sustaining a relationship without resorting to divorce lies in compatibility. The professional matchmakers stress the importance of establishing a solid relationship foundation, akin to building a house, starting with a strong root, which is compatibility. The viability and confidence between both individuals should be solidified before progressing to subsequent relationship stages. Consequently, International Thai Cupid companies like Bangkok Matching place considerable emphasis on thorough background checks and stringent profiling to ensure that profiles presented for matching align precisely with users’ preferences, exceeding 80%. This meticulous approach aims to enable customers to develop genuine, lasting relationships that do not easily falter along the way. The matchmakers also provide sincere relationship advice, as they genuinely want to see an increase in marriage rates compared to divorce rates in Thai society.




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